Booth Ideas from our families
Speed and Agility Camps
Perseverance/Endurance camps related to pushing beyond limits in athletic
Winch this is an event for kids, booths that have interactive examples of what to expect would be super helpful. really being able to spend time at the booths I’m interested in is key. Having something my kids can look at and having snacks at hand(because it won’t take long for them to finish what I brought lol) is ideal
Having a discount for the camps will hel me make a decision. Also, having something at the table to distract my kid. This will help me get more information.
Having snacks at the table would be fun for my kids.
If camps had a one page outline of their offerings I can take home. I will forget what I talked about with them
I would like to see a video of what their camp looks like. Can they have a screen or iPad to show me
I work so I need week long camps in the summer that cover the whole day while I work.
The booth geared to my kid. I need to figure out what camps my kids my want to go to.
Your Booth is putting your best foot forward for families. This is your time to shine Make sure you are ready to show our families your best. Your booth does not have to be expensive. The booth needs to be inviting and eye catching. Use your imagination. We all know kids would rather play with a box than a toy we spend 100’s of dollars on. Below is a list of a few ideas. These are not even close to all the best ideas but maybe a few to get your brainstorming started. Remember if you draw the kids the parents will follow!
- Have something at your booth for the kids to do. A game, a craft, something to pick and and use. You must spark them
- Use color, table cloth, fringe, signs, banners, balloons and so much more
- Do you have Banners? Need to be stand alone. Order early to make sure you have them here in time.
- Set up an easel with a printed poster or a bullet point you designed.
- Use designed chalkboards.
- Have freebies for everyone to pick up.
- If you are having trouble being creative let us know we will brainstorm with you.
- Be on the look out for our booth checklist to help you remember everything.