About Us
DFW Camp Expo
DFW Camp Expo was born out of necessity. As a Mom myself, trying to find the right camps for my kids. The hours of agonizing frustration. Trying to decide what type of camp. How to get them signed up. Are there camps I do not even know about. I hated that moms experience such frustration when attempting to plan their kids’ summer! If you’re like us, February 1st rolls around every year and suddenly you start losing sleep wrestling with questions like…
What camps will they like?
- Are they ready for sleep away?
- Did I miss early bird sign-ups?
- How can I afford all this?
- Where can I find a discount?
- Should we get activity passes?
- When is our vacation?
- Will they have downtime?
If you’re a mom with kiddos, you know this list goes on and on!
Planning your Summer
We get it. Planning your family’s summer can be a huge undertaking. So, we set out to find a better way. DFW Camp Expo gives families an opportunity to find out everything they need to know for summer, all in one place.
DFW Camp Expo is a way for the whole family to attend. The events allow you to meet one on one with camp directors, owners of summer activities and family friendly businesses in the area. This provides a chance to ask all the questions. Time to pick up flyers and take advantage of special promotions. The vendors often give event only discounts. Let your kids see if they’re a fit for a new camp. Start to develop a personal relationship with the people your kids will be spending a lot of time with over the summer. Not only that, you’ll also be introduced to many camps and activities that may not be on your radar, from out of state sleep away camps to local small business hidden gems. This way, you can make educated decisions on the best options for YOUR family.
Online Virtual Camp Directory
As a companion to the in-person expos, we’ve also created a virtual expo experience. This is the online virtual camp directory where you can find information and resources all year long. You might be looking at a new class for your child or need to find a Spring Break camp. This is a year round directory of all the best camps, activities and family friendly businesses in the area. Or, maybe you weren’t able to make the expo, or you want more information on the businesses you met there. The online expo directory gives you access to expo exhibitors so you can continue to research family-friendly businesses and find options that will fit your family’s needs year round.
Each year, we continue to add activities, camps, and family-friendly businesses to our database and exhibitor list. We look forward to serving your family and providing the resources necessary to help you make the best decision on how to enjoy every summer! We want to make sure you can plan the Best Summer Ever!